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  1. Release v2.1.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version using:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    This version comes with quite a few fixes and a couple of nice usability improvements, including automatic reconnect.


    • Keybindings for closing the autocomplete list …
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  2. Launching LiteCLI

    Today we are happy to announce the launch of LiteCLI!

    LiteCLI is a user-friendly CommandLine client for SQLite database.


    It is based on the popular pgcli and mycli projects.

    LiteCLI is written in python using the wonderful prompt-toolkit library. It is cross-platform compatible and it is tested on Linux, MacOS …

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  3. Release v2.0.2

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version using:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    After the update of pgcli to use prompt-toolkit 2.0, there were quite a few complaints about performance, in particular, slow autocompletions. This release attempts …

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  4. Release v1.10.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version using:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    This release adds new special commands \ev and \ef, more table formats, and a --user alias for --username option, to be compatible with psql. Pgcli …

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  5. DBCLI demos at PyCon


    Do you love colorful, terminal applications?

    Are you going to Pycon this year?

    You can't afford to miss the DBCLI booth at PyCon.

    We are an OpenSource org that builds commandline database clients with modern features. Auto-completion, syntax highlighting and friendly UI.

    DBCLI is the umbrella org that builds pgcli …

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  6. Sensible Defaults

    When I first set out to create pgcli, my goal was to design a Postgresql client that shipped with sensible defaults. It shouldn't require fiddling with config files to enable features.

    How did we do on that goal? This is one of those subjective goals that is not so easy …

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  7. New Maintainer for pgcli - Irina

    About 2 years ago I (Amjith) made a modest announcement about launching pgcli a CLI client for Postgres with auto-completion. Since then pgcli has grown at a tremendous pace. We have over 4900 stars on github, released 39 versions, merged 320 pull requests from over 60 different contributors. We established …

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  8. Release v0.20.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This version adds support for \\h command and \x auto command. Two very important commands that bring us …

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  9. Release v0.19.2


    • Autocompletion for database name in c and connect. (Thanks: Darik Gamble).
    • Improved multiline query support by correctly handling open quotes. (Thanks: Darik Gamble).
    • Added pager command.
    • Enhanced i to run multiple queries and display the results for each of them
    • Added keywords to suggestions after WHERE clause.
    • Enabled autocompletion …
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  10. Release v0.19.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This release comes with metadata information in the completion menus. Now you can see whether a completion suggestion …

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  11. Release v0.18.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This release comes with the ability to save favorite queries, fuzzy matching in auto-completion, new special commands (\#), fix …

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  12. Release v0.17.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This release comes with the latest version of prompt_tookit, improved auto-completion support, better matching algorithm in auto-completion, new …

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  13. Integrating pgcli with heroku toolbelt

    Heroku is a popular PAAS provider that offers managed Postgres database. Heroku provides a convenience command to connect to the postgres database, which will launch psql. Now it is possible to launch pgcli instead of the default psql for heroku Postgres by installing the heroku-pg-pgcli plugin for heroku tool belt …

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  14. Introducing the core devs of pgcli

    It is my pleasure to announce the core devs of the pgcli project.

    Daniel Rocco

    Daniel made pgcli handle JSON, bytea, and large decimal values correctly. He improved the completion matching by adding sub-string matching. His creative solution to reducing completion noise is extremely useful. He also added numerous tests …

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  15. Django Integration of pgcli

    Django web framework has a rich set of management commands. One of them is python manage.py dbshell. This will launch the default database repl and connect to the appropriate database for the web application.

    Now it is possible to launch pgcli instead of the default psql for Postgres by …

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  16. dbcli - a new github org

    I'm officially moving the pgcli project into the dbcli org in github.


    • pgcli is a community project now and having an organization helps solidify that.
    • More peope will now have write access to the repo. Watch for the announcement of the core-devs of pgcli.
    • It's a better home for …
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  17. Screencast: pgcli basics

    I created a screencast to showcase some of the basic features of pgcli.

    pgcli is a client for postgres that can do autocompletion and syntax highlighting.

    This video covers:

    • Installation
    • Launching pgcli
    • Switching databases
    • Basic auto-completion for SELECT, CREATE, INSERT and JOIN statements.
    • Expanded output
    • Multi-line mode


    If there …

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  18. Kickstarter: mysql-cli

    I'm starting a project called mysql-cli.

    mysql-cli will be a command line client for MySQL, with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. An equivalent of pgcli for MySQL database.

    I'm raising funds for the project through kickstarter. The goal is to compensate for the development time and resources (hosting, testing infrastructure, etc …

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  19. Release v0.16.3

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This is a minor bug-fix release that fixes the syntax-highlighting of various Postgres specific keywords and adds the …

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  20. Release v0.16.2

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This is a bug-fix release that improves auto-completion and formatting of large numbers in the output.

    Bug Fixes …

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  21. Release v0.16.1

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This is a minor bug-fix release that fixes unicode issues with hstore.

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fix unicode issues with …
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  22. Release v0.16.0

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This release adds Vi-keybindings, improvements to special commands (new additions ds and df) and fix a lot of …

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  23. Release v0.15.X

    Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version by:

    $ pip install -U pgcli

    Check detailed instructions if you're having difficulty.

    This version adds more color schemes to the syntax highlighting. An attempt to add support for PyPy by …

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  24. Embedding pgcli in IPython

    IPython is an interactive shell for Python that is well-suited to do data-analysis. It has integration for plotting, data-analysis libraries, parallel computing etc.

    IPython-sql is an IPython extension that provides an easy way to load data from a database into the ipython environment to do the data-analysis. Here's an example …

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  25. One week after launch

    Pgcli was launched approximately one week ago.

    It was an extremely successful launch, beyond any of my wildest imaginations.

    Obligatory Vanity Metrics:

    • Google Analytics: 21K views and 12.2K users.
    • Twitter: 70 retweets, 68 favs.
    • Github: 1,230 stars, 45 forks, 28 watchers.
    • HackerNews: 227 points

    Enough with the vanity …

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