One week after launch

Pgcli was launched approximately one week ago.

It was an extremely successful launch, beyond any of my wildest imaginations.

Obligatory Vanity Metrics:

  • Google Analytics: 21K views and 12.2K users.
  • Twitter: 70 retweets, 68 favs.
  • Github: 1,230 stars, 45 forks, 28 watchers.
  • HackerNews: 227 points

Enough with the vanity.


Here are some metrics that I'm personally proud to present. Since launch.

  • Pull Requests Opened: 40
  • Pull Requests Merged: 38
  • Issues Opened: 62
  • Issues Closed: 34

Let's break it down a little bit more.

  • Number of Releases: 5
  • Number of Features Added: 11
  • Features added by community: 11
  • Bugs fixed by community: 10
  • Features added by author: 1
  • Bugs fixed by author: 3

I have not included the numerous typo fixes contributed by the community. (yes, I'm a little bit ashamed by how many mistakes I make when I type).

I'm flattered by how many people pitched in to help fix bugs and add features. At one point I found a bug and filed an issue to keep track of it and 5 minutes later I got a pull request to fix it. I was completely floored by the enthusiasm shown by the contributors.

I had an internal goal of responding to Pull Requests, Issues and emails within 24 hours. Even if I couldn't fix the issue or implement a requested feature, I wanted to acknowledge it and give feedback about whether I'll do it or not. I was able to keep that goal, as you'll see every issue in Github right now has a comment from me (except for the ones I filed myself).

I was also able to keep up the responsibility I outlined the about page.

Phew! What a week. I feel invigorated and refueled. Looking forward to working through the issues and feature requests.